Money Freedom Course in 4 Sessions

Learn how to increase awareness, add acceptance and create conscious choices around money.

Money Freedom Course

Recorded with a live audience Facilitated by Arlyn Alderdice

Through awareness, journaling, life-coaching, & body-centered awareness you CAN step into a new relationship with money. 


"Upon starting this course, I was afraid, ashamed, and feeling unworthy of receiving. Arlyn is truly gifted in helping transform major blocks in such a profound and gentle way. After completing the course, I feel so renewed in the freedom I have found through Arlyn's unique techniques. I truly am so shocked at the quick transformation and how I now find excitement and abundance in the frequency of money!" - Darian Wulf

4 Session Online Course

Each session is between 30-40 minutes

Pre-work involves a money quiz from another website.

Homework includes money tracking, building a customized money prayer and paying attention to money beliefs.

Actionable Practices

Realistic + Achievable

= Results


This course is designed to be a 30-day experience.

What you will get out of this course is related to what you put in.

Almost every day we get a chance to interact with money. Those interactions build our full money experience and each one is part of the puzzle.

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.” -John Maxwell

Are You Ready to Step Into A New Way of Being with Money?

What Course Participants Say About Money Freedom

"I took the Money Freedom course with Arlyn Alderdice during a big life transition from the corporate world to launching my own business.  This course provided a great structure to turn inwards and unpack some of my beliefs around money, along with an excellent set of well-curated additional resources to check out.  I especially loved the exercise of creating a daily "money prayer" for myself!  Arlyn provides excellent journaling prompts, and you can take the course at your own pace." - Heather Fell
"It was such a good experience doing Money Freedom with Arlyn. It has made a real difference in the way I react when potential money worries arise, starting with the first session. It has literally made dealing with money transactions easier for me. Money Freedom has been so valuable to me, helping me to rethink ingrained beliefs about money to how I can think about negative feelings arising from difficult situations and not be so stressed." -Donna Beth Sammons
"Arlyn's Money Freedom course was supportive and informative.  I really appreciate the fact that I got to focus on how I see my value in the world through a new lens of thought. I found a profound shift occurred when she led us to re-write our money story. I also really appreciated crafting and using the money prayer. I can imagine that being very supportive going into the future as well. Great course.  Thanks Arlyn!" - Sarahndipity J.

"The timing for this course was perfect for me:  about to retire, move to a new state, and create the next chapter in my life. It was the perfect time to confront my "money conversations" head on! Arlyn curated and presented a collection of tools and resources to guide me to the source of my money fears, notice my patterns, and develop practices to support healing from the inherited stories that keep me stuck. I'm grateful to have participated in Money Freedom." -Laurie Levitan

Your Guide

Arlyn Deva Alderdice

"This course grew out of my desire to 'do money differently' as well as to see why I was making the choices that I was making more clearly. My self-assessment was that I had room to worry less, receive more cleanly, to give more generously, and to save more consciously for the future. So I began reading, listening to podcasts and looking at my habits.

I am a strong idealist and believe that many of the money systems in place especially in the Western world are not designed for the good of all, but rather for the benefit of the few. I also see now that my (and OUR) shrinking away from consciously participating in the money exchange of the world does no one any good, except those powerful few.

I hope that by shifting some of your old ways of being with money, you can claim your unique contributions to the world more fully and can help be a part of the change that you wish to see in the world.

Thanks to Ethel Meyers who encouraged me to bring all my deep-dive research to the public rather than to just keep it for myself."

Arlyn guides people to safely experience Whole Being Aliveness! This means actively living in the present moment (so the past doesn't run the show and the future can be created more consciously), learning to hold emotion fluidly (so it can inform us and keep moving) & generally increasing capacity for living (including bringing money into ever greater congruency). She creates space for transformation to unravel gently and naturally, allowing healing to ripple into the world.

Arlyn’s coaching is grounded in the body, in curiosity, and in connecting with each individual’s values. It is also grounded in the imaginative and the creative as well as in the daily, mundane, and practical (some of her pre-coaching background is in small business administration). Arlyn’s coaching holds space for the individual to do the work that only they can do, to have a life that feels congruent and in alignment with their deepest longings.



You’re the perfect fit for Arlyn's Money Freedom Course

✅ You are ready to make a change in your life in how you relate to money.

✅ You are willing to do some work to get there.

✅ You are open to looking at both the emotional components (EQ) and intellectual components (IQ) of how you relate to money.

This is not financial advice. This is a course designed to look at our habits of thought and emotion around money and begin to shift them with awareness and body centered attention.

"The course really helped bring my underground beliefs and feelings around spending and money to the surface.  The exercises were simple, yet had a profound impact on my views around finances.  I will move forward with financial decisions and thoughts in general around money in a clearer, less reactive way in order to guide my financial future in the direction I want it to go." -Donna McFadden