I look forward
to helping you
increase your
Whole Being

Whole Being Aliveness?

Yes! Whole Being Aliveness!


Actively living in the present moment (so the past doesn't run the show and the future can be created more consciously), learning to hold emotion fluidly (so it can inform us and keep moving) & generally increasing capacity for living (including bringing money into ever greater congruency - I made a Money Freedom Course too).


There's lots of ways to come more fully Alive. Pathways that work especially well for me are dance, drumming & singing as well as spending time outside in as wild nature as I can access at the time. Sometimes we need practices, allies, and assistance on the journey - I am so thankful for the many that have supported me along the way, and now I offer myself to you as a support.


You can work this territory (whatever it is for you today) and you will come out the other side more clear, more yourself, more potent, and more joyful!


Your Whole Being Aliveness is brought forth one step at a time and I walk with you, holding space for the work that only you can do.

“In just a few short months of working with Arlyn, I have experienced what I can only describe as exponential internal growth. Arlyn’s kind and unique insight, her attention to the not so obvious, lends to her overall spirit and excellence as a life coach. I am blessed our paths have crossed. She is indeed exceptional.” ~E.H. Spokane, WA

Let's Work Together:


    • 1:1 coaching in person, via phone or online. Learn More.


    • 1:1 coach + movement sessions in person or online. Learn More.


    • Group embodiment practice
      • Audio-only Guided Exploration.
      • Movement as Medicine (Paonia, CO) Friday mornings 9am
      • Movement as Medicine (Paonia, CO) with Live Music 1st Sunday of the month, November-April


    • Group coaching. Please let me know if you would like to participate in a coaching group by sending a message through the form below, and/or keep your eye on the newsletter for announcements.



    • Bring me to you. . . I love it when other people organize events for me to facilitate (as long as it's dance, drumming, coaching or medicinal herb explorations)


    • Want to explore the wilderness while backpacking with coaching sessions? Me too! With my husband's skills as a wilderness backing guide, our gear, and my family's love of the outdoors, we can get you out in nature and help you literally move into new ways of being.


    • Check out my band Mama Lingua here. (a female quartet with luscious vocal harmonies accompanied by strings and percussion)


February 2025

Friday February 21

11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Life-Coach Skills Meet-Up with Arlyn Alderdice

March 2025

Sunday March 2

11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Movement as Medicine with Live Music in Paonia, CO

Friday March 7

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Movement as Medicine for Writers as Part of Festival in Palisade, CO

Sunday March 23

9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Women's Mini-Retreat with Arlyn Alderdice in Paonia, CO

April 2025

Sunday April 6

11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Movement as Medicine with Live Music in Paonia, CO

Friday April 25 6:00 pmSunday April 27 11:30 am

Embodiment Retreat with Arlyn Alderdice and Kent Tompkins in Paonia, CO



Featured Events

"Arlyn is kind, thoughtful, and insightful. She has helped me tap into my own inner wisdom and creativity, and I always leave our coaching sessions feeling more grounded and clear about what I want. I end up with specific strategies and a plan of action - it's very empowering." ~D.L. Silver Spring, MD

Let's Connect - send me a message here

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Join the Embodying Rhythm Newsletter - we email 1x month



"There's not a word yet for old friends that just met."

- Gonzo, The Muppet Movie

About Arlyn

I'm a highly sensitive spiritual idealist. I'm on the path to greater Aliveness and love spending time with fellow travelers. It can be a tricky thing to be human. So many emotions, thoughts, sensations and perceptions. So much searching for pleasure and avoiding pain. So much conditioning.

If there was a way around the mess, a ticket out, I'd take it - I've spent some time looking for it. But again and again, I have found that the fastest and most effective way is Through. By honoring our wholeness and all the parts, by calling the tender places home, by finding healthy ways to be with our anger, to pay more attention to the information from our bodies, not less.

I have found that if we can live in right relationship with our bodies and hearts, everything in our world goes more smoothly and we are more alive. I also have noticed the power of thought and the way that if we can change our thinking, we can change our circumstances.

I invite you to live a life of purpose, openness, and respect for all life and if there's anything in the way of that, I can help. You'll know if there's anything in the way because it will feel like suffering.

I am so thankful to live a life filled with creativity, love, and an invitation to be kind to myself which I renew again and again.

The Training:

I am a certified Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach. I am a SomaSource Leader and have completed extensive dance training with Melissa Michaels of Golden Bridge in Boulder, CO. I have completed Tara Mohr's The Coaching Way. I am a graduate of Matrix Leadership Institute’s Facilitator Training and earned my B.A. degree in Expressive Arts through Prescott College’s Adult Degree Program (with an emphasis on leadership and healing). I have completed a 9-day School for the Work of Byron Katie. I have studied herbalism with Alicia Michaelson of Paonia, CO and drumming with David Alderdice. I love to backpack and help others explore the wilds. I love process art, making pottery, music in all forms, collage, bookmaking, and sharing what I learn. I play cajon with Mama Lingua and look forward to helping you transmute old ways of being to live a juicier life.

My story:

I grew up in rural Colorado with parents who meditated twice a day. I was embarrassed at the time while now I know the dedication that requires. I'm an introvert and was extremely shy as a child, I didn't know the term highly sensitive person, but it does capture me pretty well. I grew up in personal development workshops and read self-help books obsessively. Now I finally feel that all the threads of my interests and training weave together and make sense. Parenting + music + movement + crafting + herbalism + gardening + hiking and spending time in nature= my life and I'm so thankful. I'm also sure the creative writing and art will circle back in more fully soon. I set out to become a life-coach to have a culturally approved stamp on the somatic work that I was already doing and got one better in a map and modality that I find really useful and love. I also love the way that life coaching can help in hard times as well as helping find greater and greater levels of integrity that are possible in a life that is already good. I love the way life coaching paired with somatic work can go deep into places that are stuck and gently unravel the tangle. I'm here in service of humanity and working to create a world that I feel good about my child growing up in. I'm here to help this social species that we are have other versions of culture in safe spaces where self-expression is celebrated, feelings are welcomed and authenticity is supported.

Let's Embody

Looking to feel at peace in your body? Want to experience a healthy stress release? Want some time to commune with your deepest self? Your tears are welcome, your strength is welcome – let's move! We will come home to ourselves. This is a moving, expressive, dynamic, transformational practice.

We create this practice together through deep listening to our whole selves – beyond the mind, tapping into the heart and soul of what it is to be human. We practice tracking our sensations, connecting our movements with our breath and shaking out what is no longer needed. What is left after we are cleaner, is the tug on our hearts pulling us into our lives and connecting us with the wisdom of our bodies.

Try it now -free audio-only guided exploration.

Or if you're around the NF Valley, try our group dance practice in Paonia, CO on Friday mornings.

And/or you can try a 1:1 coaching and movement session series to access the body's wisdom in relationship to a personal challenge (online or in person). If there are big feelings in between you and the life that you are longing for I highly recommend trying a 1:1 movement session.

"Working with Arlyn is profoundly moving, deeply resonant, and a great gift to my inner and outer landscape.  She has an innate connection to true wisdom and guides from a present and attuned place of respect and desire for my highest good.  I love the way she facilitates, and I trust her immensely.  I'd highly recommend adding her coaching support to your toolkit whether it be through her movement offerings or her one-on-one coaching.  I find both incredibly supportive, and I eagerly return for more." ~S.J. Hotchkiss, CO

Let's Drum

Women's Drumming Western Colorado

,Arlyn offers private lessons, rhythm playshops, and drum circles in Western Colorado. Her teaching is focused on rhythmic embodiment and self-trust as well as learning marimba, frame drums, dumbek, djembe, and/or cajon.

In addition to offering her own classes, Arlyn has the instruments and skill-set to bring to community music-making to your gathering. She can get a group of novices playing enjoyable music together in under 30 minutes.

Arlyn's teaching is primarily focused on women's drumming, because for mixed gender groups, Arlyn recommends bringing herself together with her husband, David Alderdice, "we make a spectacular team." (more info)


“What I love about Arlyn’s drum classes for women is the balance between musicality and intuition. The classes are a blend of practical knowledge, drumming basics and revealing the rhythm inherent in us all. Being surrounded by women made me feel at ease to express, support other drummers and be supported in my playing. I recommend these classes to any woman regardless of past musical experience, as I came into the class with very little drum experience and was surprised by how quickly I was able to tap into my musical side.”  ~ R.S. Paonia, CO

Check the calendar for upcoming classes in the North Fork Valley CO and/or book a private lesson by using the contact form.

I call it a 'one degree turn.' Back to the airplane metaphor, if you turn an airplane one degree north every half-hour, you won't even notice the change, but you'll end up in a really different place. So, one degree toward integrity every day, toward your real self, and you can fly anywhere. ~ Martha Beck